Generating Apps from Evoke App Designs
The purpose of the Evoke is eaily create app designs and then convert these into hard IDE content in order to allow custom content to be added to the app, if required, and / or deploy the app as either a Web app or a Native app.
At the click of a button, Evoke will generate your app design into a full and complete Visual Studio/VS-Xamarin solution with all the respective projects therein. You can simply pass through Visual Studio, building your app code, and go straight to the deployment stage or, if you wish, perform some unique onward development of your app (either native or web) using all the power and versatility of Visual Studio.
In doing so, the developer is given the best of both worlds - quick and easy application construction along with unrestricted enhancement and customization capabilities.

Source Code of your App
When the Evoke App Design is generated by Evoke all of the source code for the app is prepared as a Visual Studio solution and delivered to a folder, specified by you, on your computer.

Web Apps
When you click to generate your app design in Evoke a full validation of your design will be performed and you are able to select the .NET environment for the app that you are generating:
  • .Net Classic - allows the resultant web app can be hosted in a Windows environment.

  • .Net Core - allows the resultant web app can be hosted in a Linux environment.

In the Web App section of Evoke you can click the "Start Code Generation" and Evoke will validate your entire App project, displaying both warnings and hard errors that it finds, and then generate an entire Visual Studio Solution that can be used to deploy your web App.

Native Apps
You can use the Evoke Native app generator is to your app design into a full Native app, with the ability to add native extensions and customisation. Evoke will create platform specific hard IDE content (Visual Studio and VS-Xamarin) in order to allow platform specific custom content to be added to the app(s), if required, as well as final deployment of the Native app.

Your native App(s) may then be built and deployed to the respective App Stores (for mobile devices) or locally on your own download server (if the App is only to be used on Desktop computers by users you wish to give a link to).

The complete Visual Studio and/or VS-Xamarin projects enable onward development in a native environment using all the power and versatility of Visual Studio (and VS-Xamarin) as required. In doing so, the developer is given the best of both worlds - quick and easy application construction along with unrestricted enhancement and customization capabilities.

App Deployment
Once an App Design has been generated by Evoke it needs to be deployed so that users can access it. Native apps are deployed to app stores. Web apps are accessed via a URL on a web server e.g. Https://
Deploying an Evoke built web app is straight forward and detailed step by step instructions are provided regarding some of the different options for web app deployment once you have generated your Evoke App Design.
Although actually deploying your native and web apps is not part of Evoke, our support team have been through the process many times and are happy to assist all Evoke customers through the steps to deploy both native and web apps.