Bluefinity and ONgroup Collaborate on .NET

ONgroup Intl, a leading provider of MultiValue DBMS software with Relational storage and BlueFinity International, the company dedicated to delivering development tools to the MultiValue marketplace for multi-platform business application deployment, are pleased to announce the certification of BlueFinity's mv.NET with ONgroup's ONware product line. This connectivity opens up the full Microsoft .NET development and run-time environment to ONgroup’s MVON SQL Server and MVON Oracle customers. ONware users can now use code from their MV applications for their .NET client programs running on computer workstations and mobile devices.

The announcement also creates a framework for ONgroup’s clients to further enhance their products with additional BlueFinity products such as Evoke. Evoke is the rapid application development platform designed to produce complete line-of-business systems that can be deployed quickly across multiple platforms. It provides for limitless customization of the generated code for each targeted platform.

For more information regarding BlueFinity products and to download them visit

For more information regarding ONgroup’s ONware products and the opportunity to try MVON SQL Server or MVON Oracle visit

Product availability is mv.NET, mv.SSIS and Evoke working with MVON SQL Server and MVON Oracle!


About BlueFinity

BlueFinity International (, a member of the Mpower1 Group of Companies, supplies Microsoft-centric tools which allow MultiValue developers to create applications using the very latest technologies while retaining their valuable and often substantial investment in MultiValue software and knowledge.

About ONgroup

ONgroup Intl is a software and services company that is helping organizations worldwide to deploy cost-effective software applications integrating MultiValue and Relational technology.