Evoke App Runner

The Evoke App Runner is an optional additional component for use with Evoke generated Web Apps. App Runner is a native app, available to download from the major app stores or direct from BlueFinity, that can contain and run one or more web apps developed with Evoke.
The advantages of using the Evoke App Runner include:
  • Browser independence - the apps do not run in a browser and therefore variations in browsers, versions and other potential inconsistencies are eliminated

  • Device Functions - the app runner manages the device soft keyboard and other device functions to provide a better user experience than using browsers

  • Real Estate - browser headers and controls are eliminated providing more screen space for the app

  • Personalization - app accessed by a personalized app icon

  • App Lifetime Management - App Runner provides for the full management of an app session on mobile devices supporting suspend/resume/terminate on the devices, so for example, an app based transaction will never be left in a terminated or unsynchronised state by a telephone call

Using The Evoke App Runner
Your users of your app(s) can download a free to use generic version of the Evoke App Runner (from the app stores) or, if you wish to offer a personalised version, with your logo and app name, then BlueFinity can make the App Runner design available for you within your Evoke account for you to modify and deploy.
The first time a user logs into the Evoke App Runner they have to enter account identification details to identify which of your apps they will have access to. They will still have to sign into the actual apps. This account identification only needs to be completed once for each user.
You will be required to set up this account identification sign in and can do this using the Evoke App Runner Sign in process that is detailed below.

The Evoke App Runner Sign in.
The Evoke App Runner Sign in is a web app that you can access via https://www.appevoke.net/AppRunnerSignin. In the Evoke App Runner Sign in you define the account identification sign in(s) that you need for your users to access your apps. You will be required to login with your Evoke account name and a new password that is obtainable from BlueFinity, you will then be presented with a screen similar to the one shown on the right.
Simply add a new record for each sign in you want to create. Note this is not per user but per app or group of apps that you want users to be able to access. Add a user ID and password and then the URL of the App Selector you will use (see information below). Unless you are using a personalised Evoke App Runner this will be the generic app selector URL which is https://www.appevoke.net/AppRunnerSelector.

The Evoke App Runner Selector.
The Evoke App Runner Selector is a web app that you can access via https://www.appevoke.net/AppRunnerSelector. In the Evoke App Runner Selector you define which apps are available to the users that sign in to the App Runner with the different the account identification sign in(s) that you have set up. You will be required to login with your Evoke account name and a new password that is obtainable from BlueFinity, you will then be presented with a screen similar to the one shown on the right.
Simply add a new record for each of your apps that you want users to be able to access. Add a name for your app, a short description and finally the URL of your deployed web app.
For each app that you have set up, use the navigation option ">" to navigate to to the screen shown on the left.
You are now able to add any of the sign in that you have created to either the "allowed to access this app" or "denied access to this app" panels.
These privileges will be used to determine what apps each sign in to the app runner is presented with.

Note: If a sign in only has one app that is accessible then the user will be taken directly to the app when they sign in. If a sign in has more than one app that is accessible then the user will be asked to select the app they want to run.