Evoke Tutorial and Help Videos

The videos on this page are designed to complement the Evoke User Guide. The User Guide is updated on a regular basis and always contains the very latest information regarding using Evoke.

Introducing Evoke

Introduction Video

A short introduction to Evoke (2 minute video).

Evoke Presentation

A short summary presentation regarding Evoke.

Evoke Demonstration

A demonstration of Evoke - features and functionality.

Evoke - The Example App

The best place to see how Evoke does something (e.g. include a signature panel, and image, use calculated properties, carete a new page, etc.) and see how it it was done in Evoke is in the Example App.
This app has been created using Evoke and is deployed as a live app at Review Evoke Example App. The specific URL is https://www.appevoke.com/ExampleApp
We make every effort to ensure that the Example App and the Evoke User Guide are always kept fully up to date.

  • Evoke Pipeline App on Android
  • Evoke banking App Iphone Screenshot
  • Evoke Graphs Example App on Iphone
  • Evoke SOP App on Iphone Screenshot
  • Evoke SOP App on Ipad Screenshot
  • Evoke SOP App on Desktop Screenshot
  • Evoke Graphs Iphone Landscape Screenshot
  • Evoke Graphs Iphone Screenshot
  • Evoke Graphs App Desktop Screenshot
  • Evoke Pipeline App Ipad Screenshot
  • Evoke Timesheets App Iphone Screenshot
  • Evoke Timesheets App Ipad Screenshot
  • Evoke Timesheets App Screenshot on Desktop
  • Evoke Pipeline Contacts Page App Android Screenshot

Please review the Example app and look for the videos in the "How did you do that" tabs on the right of each page/screen.

Copies of most of these videos (but without the context of the Example App) are included below together with further generic help videos.

Evoke - Help Videos

Please use the headings to find the area of Evoke you wish to review and then click the video icon or video name to view the video on YouTube.
Video help is great but the challenge is that they age so quickly. We are currently updating all of our video help as quickly as we can.
  Getting Started & the basics

Get started by installing Evoke on your PC.

Getting started - The fundamentals and understanding the terms used.

Finding your way around as you start to use Evoke.

Get started creating a new app in Evoke; review the process, create app.

This refresher video review the 'hooking up of databases' to your design as completed in the Environment Review.

Following on from creating a new app, this video shows you how to open your new App in Visual studio, rebuild it and run it.

Introducing Evoke concepts by changing the Login Page.

Initial training happens after the Evoke Environment Review and covers the basics of using Evoke.

  Working With Evoke Account

The Account menu in Evoke provides your default theme and information about the users in your account

  Working With App Design Settings

Changing the App settings in an Evoke App Design, setting default styles and colours, menu styles, creating backgrounds, etc

  Work Item Creation

Setting up for multiple users or teams to work with the same app design simultaniously

Configuring how your app acts when it is loaded (started) and after the login process.

  App Styling

Set up the theme for your app in App styling.

Set the background color or image in your App Design.

Set the Menu Styling in your App Design. Includes text and images used in the menu.

Creating and configuring datasources avaiable throughout you app - not just in a single page series.

Restrict which users of your evoke account can access which versions of which apps and app designs.

  Access Control user Groups

Evoke Access control user groups. Set up user groups for individual navigation and security options.

Setting up your app design so that diffferent users see it in different languages.

  Working With Entities & Databases
This refresher video review the 'hooking up of databases' to your design as completed in the Environment Review.

Setting up data structures in Evoke for the first time

Access new tables/objects in your database by importing Entity strucures into your app design.

When you add some additional columns to a database table/file

  Working With Classifications

Setting up and using Classifications for drop downs and other static data in your app

If you do not need to change your classifications reguarly you can fix them in your app design

  Working With Menus

Setting up an app menu, adding menu options and linking to pages.

Set the Menu Styling in your App Design. Includes text and images used in the menu.

  Working With Datasources

Refined datasources provide automatic sorting, searching and filtering

  Working With Pages (App Screen general design)

Working with and creating Page Series in Evoke

Part 1 of creating and working with Pages (App Screens) in Evoke.

Part 2 of creating and working with Pages (App Screens) in Evoke.

Part 3 of creating and working with Pages (App Screens) in Evoke.

Part 4 working with Pages; includes Click Actions and navigation.

Part 5 working with Pages; Adding a Graph to a Page.

How to use the styling, colour and spacing to format to your app UI

How to add a border to a segment (example uses radio buttons)

How unbound (transient) and persistent variables (UIControl) work

Display one of multiple child segments based on a changable value/option

Create a larger fixed width datagrid/table and allow users to scroll horizontally.

  Working on Pages with specific Examples (using specific widgets, components, etc)

Creating a simple CardView display of user records

Embed both databound and static videos into your app

Include a google map (set display, zoom, pin, etc) in your app design

  Working With the Generator

Generate a web app from your Evoke App design.

  Generating a native App

Generate a native app from your Evoke App design.

  Cutomising your Evoke built app

An introduction to the Evoke Development Cycle"

An introduction to writing custom javascript within Visual Studio.

Adding or customizing the CSS within your Evoke built app.

Introduction to generated Visual Studio Code.

  How did you do that? videos from the Example app

See how we created the "how did you tdo that tab"

See how we created the header segment, photo and message on the Instructions page.

See how we created the Instructions page in the Example app.

Evoke Tips & Tricks videos
Tips and tricks for users when using Evoke. Includes shortcuts, reminders, hints, etc.

Tips and tricks for users when using Evoke. Includes shortcuts, reminders, hints, etc.

Tips and tricks for users when using Evoke. Includes shortcuts, reminders, hints, etc.

*** The trouble with videos is that they age so quickly. We are currently updating all of our video help as quickly as we can. This page is left up so that you can still access the previous videos but these will be continuously added to and replaced as they are brought up to date ****

Evoke - Help Videos (slightly more advanced)

Example MultiValue Database App Development

Example App #1

An example of starting an App Development in Evoke.

Example App #2

Continuing the example an App Development in Evoke.

Example App #3

Mapping MultiValue databases for an App Development in Evoke

Example App #4

Continuing Mapping MultiValue databases for an App Development in Evoke

Example App #5

Continuing the example an App Development in Evoke

Example SQL Database App Development

Example App #1

An example of starting an App Development in Evoke.

Example App #2

Continuing the example an App Development in Evoke.

Example App #3

Mapping Entities to SQL Databases as part of the example App

Example App #4

Mapping Entities to SQL Databases continued

Important Information and Database Connectivity basics

Mandatory Entities and Selections in Evoke Apps

Evoke Mandatory Entities and Selections.

Mapping to MultiValue

Mapping Entities to MultiValue Databases in an Evoke App

Mapping to SQL Databases #1

Mapping Entities to SQL Databases (included in Tutorial above)

Mapping to SQL Databases #2

Mapping Entities to SQL Databases (included in Tutorial above)
