Pages - Adjust (Segment Management)

The Adjust (Segment Management) area is where you can add, remove, clone or adjust segments on a Page of the app UI design.
The example screen on the right has used the "bordered mode" option in the "UI Design" tab header to show all the segments on this screen bordered in red.
These Segments are then structured, in the General tab to be either single entity data segments, datagrids (multi-entity data segments), images, blank or custom segments. The content of the segment is defined in a Template which defines the data fields to display and the Widgets used for each item. Finally, each Segment can be bound to a Data Source which can be populated with the data that will be displayed, updated, etc by the Widget when the app is used.
Select a segment on the page (in WYSIWYG mode a red border will appear around the selected segment). You can then use the self explanatory options in the Adjust area to perform the following:
  • Insert a new segment before the currently selected segment

  • Insert a new segment after the currently selected segment

  • Insert new data-bound segment before current (using Data Segment Wizard)

  • Insert new data-bound segment after current (using Data Segment Wizard)

  • Configure current segment using Data Segment Wizard

  • Remove the currently selected segment

  • Switch the currently selected segment with the previous segment

  • Switch the currently selected segment with the next segment

  • Push the currently selected segment down into a new segment level (making the current segment a child segment of a new segment)

  • Replace the currently selected (parent) segment with its child segments (removing a segment level and raising the child segments up a level, the parent segment is removed completely)

  • Move segment as child into previous segment (the previous segment becomes a parent segment and the current segment becomes a child segment of the new parent segment)

  • Move segment as child into next segment (the next segment becomes a parent segment and the current segment becomes a child segment of the new parent segment)

  • Raise segment 1 level as sibling to parent segment (the child segment and the parent segment remain unchanged except as siblings on the same level)

  • Mark the current segment to be used as clone segment (use this function in conjunction with the "set as clone of marked" option to copy/clone a segment.)

  • Set current segment as clone of marked segment (use this function in conjunction with the "mark as clone segment" option to copy/clone a segment.)

Data Segment Wizard
The Data Segment Wizard provides a simple and structured way to configure a new or existing Data Segment in your UI design.

Use the Wizard Screen, shown on the right, to set the segment to single or multi entity (single data or data grid) and then select or create a template and datasource to define the structure of the segment and then source of the data elements.

The ellipsys menu items allow you to quick set all the selected properties to have a "label" or "Displaybox" editor type or to change the order of the properties to be displayed (nudge up or nudge down).

Applying the details using "Apply Details" button will take you back to the UI design screen with all the basic components of the segment set up.