Evoke Filter Operators

The build button on the Initial Filter Criteria takes you to the grid filter builder. Here you can define either simple or compound (multi part) grid filters.

Simple Filters

Simple Filters allow you to select a property, from the list of available properties in the entity property list and a value (either freeformat text e.g. "Pending" or from the drop down list of system values i.e. true, false, blank, empty). You can then use the filter operator to define if the property is to be equal to, less than, greater than, etc the value. Full details of the available operators may be found below.

Compound Filters

Compound Filters allow you to create a multi part filter criteria by joining together multiple simple filters. These filters will be joined either as "AND" or "OR". "AND" means that all simple filter tests must return true for the filter to allow the data item to be included and "OR" means that only one of the simple filters must return true for the filter to allow the data item to be included.

You should create each simple filter, within the grid, as above by selecting a property, from the list of available properties in the entity property list and a value (either freeformat text e.g. "Pending" or from the drop down list of system values i.e. true, false, blank, empty). You can then use the filter operator to define if the property is to be equal to, less than, greater than, etc the value. Full details of the available operators may be found below.

The + and - functions, in the header, allow you to add or remove simple filters and the ellipsys menu allows you to nudge simple filters up or down the list.

Available Operators
Is equal to
Is not equal to
Is Greater than
Is Less than
greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Starts with
Does not Starts with
Ends with
Does not End with
[ ]
Contains (case sensitive)
![ ]
Does not Contain (case sensitive)

To invert the result, prefix filter value with '!'
To make content searches case insensitive, prefix value with '~'
To combine result inversion and case insensitive search, prefix filter value with '!~'
Example#1: Age >= 18 Age greater than or equal to 18
Example#2: FirstName ] Jo FirstName starting with 'Jo'
Example#3: LastName!~[son LastName (case sensitive) not ending with 'son'

The initial Filter Criteria field can also include special Evoke system values. Special system values that can be used are:
"$index" For example, an initial filter setting of: $index < 5 will result in only the first 5 items in the root datasource being contained within the refined datasource (index values are zero-based). The =, >, >=, < and <= operators are supported for the $index property.