Evoke Adaptations

The Adaptations section in Evoke is the area that different display options/actions can be set against Data, Grids, Segments etc depending upon the screen size/device that the app is being used on. The following is a list of the Adaptations available within Evoke. The following is a summary of the Adaptations available within Evoke and examples of the use of each of these may be found in the Evoke Example App design. It is recommended you also review the detailed descriptions of Evoke Adaptations.
click for Example of use
Adaptation Description
Merges all the child page segments into a single tab widget (one tab per child). Can be at a specified screen size width or on Page Load
Arranges the child segments in a parent segment as rows (as opposed to columns)
Hide the Segment that the Adaptation is applied to
Show the Segment
Unpin a specified page Segment
Hides the headers ellipsis action button
Hides all the input field or display field prompts within a Segment
Display Prompt text above the input widget
Displays prompt text to the left of the input or display widget
Hide the specified Grid column based on the supplied criteria
Disable (no editing) a specified Grid column based on the supplied criteria
Show the specified Grid column based on the supplied criteria
Sets the Segment's maximum width based on the supplied criteria
Sets the Segment's maximum width based on the supplied criteria
Disables the navigationmenu shown when a Grid element is clicked/tapped
Enables the navigation menu shown when a Grid element is clicked/tapped
Display alternate button caption text (if supplied) for all button widgets in the Segment
Display alternate segment header text (if supplied) for the Segment
Display alternate prompt text (if supplied) for all Widgets in the Segment
Display alternate column header text (if supplied) for the Grid in this Segment
Set one or more margin edges to zero
Set the prompt sizing group to be used by the segment
Moves the Segment into another parent Segment as the first child segment
Sets a new %Remainder size for the segment
Allows a specified widget within the segment to be hidden
Allows a specified (previously hidden) widget within the segment to be displayed
Forces a widget that is being flowed/stacked horizontally to be displayed on a new line
Forces the prompt of the specified Widget to be hidden
allows an arbitary datasource property value to be set.