Evoke Click Actions

Click Actions are part of Evoke's internal Component Library. They are accessed from Header actions, Navigation Click Actions, Page level Actions and other places through Evoke Apps. Each Click Action is a powerful functional component that performs one or more actions on data, the UI or other parts of Evoke. The following is a summary of the Click Actions available within Evoke and examples of the use of each of these may be found in the Evoke Example App design. It is also useful to review a description of the using Click Actions.
Click Action name
Action Description
Action Details/Definition
Data Type

Add the current (selected) line/record/row of the DataSource to another multi-entity (multi record) DataSource (the target).
Target DataSource Path - use the builder to select the multi entity (list) you want to copy the currently selected entity (record) to.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientoty datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity (record in a datagrid) to a Multi Entity (datagrid)
Add a line/record/row from a specified DataSource to another datagrid (multi-entity) datasource target
Source Datasource Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) you want to copy to the target
Target DataSource Path - use the build button (builder) to select the multi entity (list) datasource that you want to add the record/line/row to the end of.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientity datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity (singular entity (record) or a record in a datagrid) to a Multi Entity (datagrid)
Add a line/record/row from a specified DataSource to another datagrid (multi-entity) datasource target if it does not already exist within the target list
Source Datasource Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) you want to copy to the target
Target DataSource Path - use the build button (builder) to select the multi entity (list) datasource that you want to add the record/line/row to the end of.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientity datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity (singular entity (record) or a record in a datagrid) to a Multi Entity (datagrid)
Assigns the Classification data of the app to an initialised datasource. Used expose the list of classifications within the running app so that they can be maintained within the app.
Only available in actions on Page Series load.
Datasource Name - Select, from the dropdown list of datasources, the target, initialised, dataSource that the Classification data is to be assigned to. See example in Example app and required 'Entity' structure.
Multi Entity DataSource
Assign the value of a property (field) from the currently selected record of the current datagrid to another record's (datasource) property (field)
Source Datasource Property Path - use the build button to select the Property (field) of the selected entity (record) that you want to copy to the target datasource property
Target DataSource Property Path - use the builder to select the Property (field) in an Entity (record) you want to copy the source property to.
Single property of a selected entity (record) to another single property
Assign the currently selected line/record/row (in a multi-entity DataSource) to another datagrid (single Entity/record) datasource target
Target Datasource Path - use the builder to select the DataSource (and entity if required e.g. related entity) that you want to assign (copy) the current instance (entity/record) of the current DataSource to.
Single Entity (or .current) to Single Entity
Assign the value of a property (field) from a specified DataSource to a property/field in another DataSource (target)
Source Property Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) Property you want to copy to a property/field in the target datasource
Target Property Path - use the builder to select the dataSource and individual Property you want to copy the source property into.
Single Entity (or .current) to Single Entity
Assign a line/record/row from a specified DataSource to another datagrid (multi-entity) datasource target
Source Datasource Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) you want to copy to the target
Target DataSource Path - use the build button (builder) to select the multi entity (list) datasource that you want to add the record/line/row to the end of.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientity datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity (singular entity (record) or a record in a datagrid) to a Multi Entity (datagrid)
Set the value of a property of any DataSource property to a specified value e.g. text, numeric, etc
Value - The static value (as typed in) or picked from system options (in the dropdown menu) that is to be assigned (placed in) the property/field.
Target Property Path - use the build button to select the DataSource Property you wish to put the static value in.
Single Entity
Cancel any amendments that have been made to a specified DataSource
DataSource name - use the build button to select the DataSource you wish to cancel all changes for. Note: Although this will cancel the changes to the DataSource it will not remove the tick/cross (save/cancel) in case there are other changes to other DataSources in the Page Series that you do not want to cancel.
Single or Multi Entity
Cancel all unsaved amendments for the entire Page Series and save these changes automatically (removing the tick/cross (save/cancel) ).
No Action Details/Definition are needed for this Click Action
Multi Entity
Sets a datasource to either blank or empty entity/collection instance
Datasource Name - pick the datasource to be cleared from the dropdown list
Assign 'empty' instance - check this checkbox if you wish to create an empty instance of a record in the cleared datasource.
Single or Multi Entity
Creates a new entity instance within a given DataSource location
DataSource location - use the build button to select the DataSource you wish to create a new entity/record in.
Force save/cancel icons - check to force the display of the commit and discard (Tick/Cross) save options.
Create an empty list - create a new list.
Multi Entity or Single Entity
Creates a new entity instance within a given DataSource location but only if the Datasource is Empty
DataSource location - use the build button to select the DataSource you wish to create a new entity/record in.
Force save/cancel icons - check to force the display of the commit and discard (Tick/Cross) save options.
Create an empty list - create a new list.
Multi Entity or Single Entity
Raise event for custom JavaScript to hook into
Custom Code Location: Choose an option from a) Page Series - The Routine is held within the custom.generalLogic object of the parent Page Series and b) App - The Routine is held in the App.custom object (in App.js).
Custom Code Routine Name - the name of the custom code routine to be executed.
Please see the Click Action Custom Code description help page.
No DataSource
Delay the execution of subsequent Click Actions by a specified number of milliseconds
Delay Period (Milliseconds) - the number of milliseconds to delay e.g. 5000 equals 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds).
No DataSource
Delete the currently selected DataSource value (record) from the multi-entity datasource (file/table/object)
No Action Details/Definition.
Multi-Entity Table/DataGrid
Will delete the current segment's currently selected row (entity instance/record) from a specified datasource list (Object/file or Table). This will delete the actual record and will remove any associations this record has with other entities i.e. link table entries/joins or embedded MV/local or remote keys.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the singular DataSource value (single record/row) you wish to remove (the selected datasource), this will often be the current entity (row that is selected) e.g. "Products.Current".
Set current to - the way to set the current item (item to be deleted) - use an integer (0 is first item) or a property in {} to define the current item.
Delete Confirm Prompt Text - the text to be displayed asking the user to confirm the deletion - leave blank for no confirmation text to be displayed.
Note: this will trigger the save/cancel options for the user to decide to save the change if desired.
Multi-Entity Table/DataGrid
will duplicate (i.e. make a separate copy of) a DataSource entity. Use this to create an independent copy of a record. If you need to copy a list (multiple) entities i.e. the associated properties of a record (such as images) then use there is a checkbox “Duplicate entity properties” so that multiple entities can be copied
Please note that this click action will only copy the entity you ask it to copy NOT any associated entities.
DataSource location of exiting entity instance(s) - the datasource name (or dot seperated datasource path) to use as the entity to be duplicated.
DataSource location for duplicated entity instance(s) - the datasource name (or datasource path) to receive the duplicated entity.
Force display of page series save/cancel icons - this will trigger the save/cancel options for the user to decide to save the change if desired.
Duplicate entity properties - indicates whether entity properties are tyo be included in the duplication action.
Single-Entity or Multi-Entity Table/DataGrid
Delete all instances within a specified Multi entity datasource/property list. It will work on single entities but if you use the DeleteAll on a singular datasource then it will delete it but there will be no way to "undelete" as it is automatically saved, therefore, it is recommended that you also display an "are you sure" message and a warning for your users.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select either single entity or the multi entity datasource value that you wish to delete all instances from e.g. "DistibutionCenters.Current.Products".
Force Save/Cancel icons - this will trigger the save/cancel options for the user to decide to save the change if desired.
Single Entity or Multi-Entity Table/DataGrid
Hide PageSegment
Hides the specified page segment within the page (if it is shown)
Page Segment Widget ID - select, from the dropdown list, the name (segment ID) of the Segment, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, that you want to hide from the screen (if it is currently shown).
No DataSource
Show PageSegment
Shows the specified page segment within the page (if it is hidden)
Page Segment Widget ID - select, from the dropdown list, the name (segment ID) of the Segment, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, that you want to show from the screen (if it is currently hidden).
No DataSource
Collapses the size of a Page Segment to just show its header area
Page Segment Widget ID - Select, from the dropdown list, the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
No DataSource.
Requires segment ID
Restores the size of a Page Segment to its normal (non collapsed) size.
Page Segment Widget ID - Select, from the dropdown list, the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
No DataSource
Hide a specified table/datagrid Column(s).
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment containing the datagrid in which you want the columns hidden.
Column Index positions - the column number or numbers (space separated) that you want to hide
No DataSource
Show/reveal a specified table/datagrid Column(s).
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment containing the datagrid in which you want the columns hidden.
Column Index positions - the column number or numbers (space separated) that you want to hide
No DataSource
Toggle (show or hide as required) a specified Grid column.
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment containing the datagrid in which you want the columns hidden.
Column Index positions - the column number or numbers (space separated) that you want to hide or show as required based on its current show/hidden status.
No DataSource
Brings a previously unpinned segment into view and pins it.
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment that you would like pinned within the app UI.
UI only
Unpin a specified page segment.
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment that you would like unpinned to a tab or nothing.
UI only
Slides a previously unpinned segment into or out of view based on its current display status. Check out the examples of use in the Example App.
Page Segment Widget ID - Select from the dropdown list the name of the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design, of the segment that you would like toggled into or out of view.
UI only
Slides a previously unpinned segment into view.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
UI only
Slides a previously unpinned segment out of view.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
UI only
Forces the tick select column of the specified datagrid to be shown.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
UI Only
Hides the tick select column of the specified datagrid to be shown.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
UI Only
Allows all the tick select boxes within the specified datagrid to be set to true or false.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
UI Only
If, Else, ElseIf and EndIf work together. If you wish to add conditional processing to your click actions, these click actions work as traditional IF THEN ELSE Statements.
Condition/test use the builder to build a traditional conditional test (either simple - one test, or compound - multiple tests) that can frame the following click actions as nexted within the conditions.
Conditional test
Flip an image on its vertical axis. An example can be found on in the Images explanation
Target widget id use the dropdown to pick a widget (that contains the image to be flipped).
Any DataSource
Flip an image on its vertical axis. An example can be found on in the Images explanation
Target widget id use the dropdown to pick a widget (that contains the image to be flipped).
Any DataSource
Flips the server held image the same way as an image has been flipped locally. An example can be found on in the Images explanation
Target widget id use the dropdown to pick a widget (that contains the image to be flipped).
Any DataSource
For use with the TextBoxButton and DisplayBoxButton widgets to allow phone dialing (using a dialer app on the device e.g. skype on a desktop or a mobile phone dialer) to be triggered using the telephone number (value) of the widget.
No Action Details/Definition.
Note: the default dailer is identified on a desktop in the default apps by protocol as the "Tel" protocol.
No DataSource
Invokes the default email client on the device to allow email creation and set the "to" address and "subject".
Override To Address (optional) - The (optional) To address for the email. Enclose value in curly brakets {} to reference a datasource value that contains the email address if desired.
Email subject (optional) The (optional) subject for the email. Enclose value in curly brakets {} to reference a datasource value that contains the subject if desired.
App launcher
Displays a pop-up message that disables the UI of the current Page Series until the MessageBoxRemove click action is used
Message Text - Enter the text of the message that you wish to be displayed on the screen in a pop up message box.
No DataSource - UI only
Removes the pop-up message displayed using the MessageBoxDisplay action
No Action Details/Definition
No DataSource - UI only
Displays a pop-up message that disables the UI of the current Page Series, delays for a specified period of time and then Removes the pop-up message displayed.
Message Text - Enter the text of the message that you wish to be displayed on the screen in a pop up message box.
Delay period miliseconds the period of time to delay before removing the display box e.g. 5000 equals 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds).
No DataSource - UI only
Displays a pop-up message that disables the UI of the current Page Series until the confirmation button (also displayed) is clicked.
Message Text - Enter the text of the message that you wish to be displayed on the screen in a pop up message box.
No DataSource - UI only
Move a the current instance of a DataSource value (an Entity/Record) from a specified DataSource to another multi-entity datasource target. Moves the Entity leaving an empty entity where it was.
Source Datasource Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) you want to move somewhere
Target DataSource Path - use the builder to selected the multi entity (list) you want to move it to.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientoty datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity to Multi Entity
Move a specified DataSource value (an Entity/Record) from a specified DataSource to another multi-entity datasource target. Moves the Entity leaving an empty entity where it was.
Source Datasource Path - use the build button to select the entity (record) you want to move somewhere
Target DataSource Path - use the builder to selected the multi entity (list) you want to move it to.
Specific entity Instance Path - use the builder to selected the multi entity (list) and individual entity (record) you want to move somewhere.
Set Current to - the way to set the 'current' item that will be added to another multientoty datasource. Enter an integer number (zero is the first item), the word 'last' (to set the last item as current) or a curly bracket enclosed datasource property path.
Single Entity to Multi Entity
Move the UI focus to another widget on the screen
Target Widget ID - the Widget ID of the widget you wish to move the focus, on the screen, to.
UI only
Navigate to a child page
Destination Page - select, from the drop down list, the page, within this page series, that you wish to navigate to
Navigation only
Navigate to the grand parent page
No Action Details/Definition.
Navigation only
Navigate to a standalone input child page (do not display tick and cross for saving)
Destination Page - select, from the drop down list, the child page to navigate to
Navigation only
NavigateToInputIfNo Changes
Navigate to a standalone input child page (do not display tick and cross for saving) only if there are no unsaved changes on the current Page Series. It will only identify changes made to an "autosaved" datasource i.e. where the tick/cross are already appearing on the screen.
Destination Page - select, from the drop down list, the child page to navigate to
Navigation only
Navigate to the parent page - the previous page
No Action Details/Definition.
Navigation only
Navigate to the parent page and close the chat session (if active) within the current page (used in connection with the ChatBot component.
No Action Details/Definition.
No DataSource
Navigate to the root (top level/first entry) page of this Page Series.
No Action Details/Definition.
Navigation only
Navigate to a sibling page
Destination Page - select, from the drop down list, the sibling page to navigate to. A Sibling Page is a Page at the same logical level as the page Navigated from not a child page but a sideways move.
No DataSource
Navigate to a new Page Series
Page Series - select, from the drop down list, the Page Series to navigate to. A Page Series is a seperate logical area of the app usually linked to a menu item.
Navigation only
Open a specified URL in a browser window outside of the app.
URL address - the full URL path to the web page you would like to open in a new browser window/tab.
No DataSource
Use the content of a specified hidden page to create a PDF file
PDF Save type - (i) Open only (open immediately within App) (ii) SaveToServer (Save the generated PDF file to a server location) (iii) SaveToServerAndOpen (Save the Generated PDF file to a server location and then open the PDF file) (iv) SaveToLocal (Save the generated PDF file to a location on the client device) (v) SaveToLocalAndOpen (Save the generated PDF file to a location on the client device and then open the PDF file) (vi) SaveToServerAndLocalAndOpen (Save the generated PDF file to a Server location and a location on the client device and then open the PDF file)
Use the content of specified page segment(s) to create a PDF file.
Evoke 'prints' to a PDF document, either stored on the local device, a central server or simply opened in the device/desktop PDF viewer. This gives the user the option of printing the document using the PDF print facility on the device, if a printer is available and connected, or saving the printouts/reports (locally or centrally) for printing when a printer is available.
PDF Save type - (i) Open only (open immediately within App) (ii) SaveToServer (Save the generated PDF file to a server location) (iii) SaveToServerAndOpen (Save the Generated PDF file to a server location and then open the PDF file) (iv) SaveToLocal (Save the generated PDF file to a location on the client device) (v) SaveToLocalAndOpen (Save the generated PDF file to a location on the client device and then open the PDF file) (vi) SaveToServerAndLocalAndOpen (Save the generated PDF file to a Server location and a location on the client device and then open the PDF file)
Page segment widget id(s) the widget IDs of the page segments to be included in the PDF document. use the "Build" Button to select and configure the segments that you want to include in the PDF.
Use Portrait orientation by default the PDF will be landscape orientation, if you want the PDF portrait orientation then check this checkbox.
Any datasources
Read a single record/item using a specified primary key value
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the DataSource you wish to read from.
Key Value - the value of the primary key of the record you with to read.
Not Found Error Text - the error message that you would like displayed in the app if the specific key value supplied does not exist in the database file.
Single Entity
Reloads the content of a refined Datasource from its root datasource - if the root datasource has changed or the refined datasource has had a record(s) removed/deleted
When refreshed it will reapply the 'current' (latest) sort and filter options.
A Refined Datasource is used to allow the app developer to add app user sorting and filtering capabilities on datagrids/tables with one click.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the Refined DataSource you wish to refresh from the root datasource.
Refined MultiEntity
Remove the current segment's currently selected row which is an Entity/Record (without deleting the actual record e.g. it only removes the association between one entity (record) and another (its parent entity) i.e. deleting a link table entry in SQL or an embedded MV entry in MultiValue)
Note: this will not trigger the save/cancel options - if you want to save or give the option to save to the database after this action use the click action TriggerSaveCancel.
No Action Details/Definition.
List/Multi Entity
Remove the current segment's currently selected row which is an Entity/Record (without deleting the actual record e.g. it only removes the association between one entity (record) and another (as specified in the click action) i.e. deleting a link table entry in SQL or an embedded MV entry in MultiValue)
Note: this will trigger the save/cancel options for the user to decide to save the change if desired.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the singular DataSource value (single record/row) you wish to remove (the selected datasource), this will often be the current entity (row that is selected) e.g. "Products.Current".
Set current to - the way to set the current item (item to be deleted) - use an integer (0 is first item) or a property in {} to define the current item.
List/Multi Entity
Retrieve data (entities, etc) related to the current entity/row or in Click Actions if immediately after a Selection then related to the datasource of that selection. Related data includes associated records referenced as local keys, remote keys, joins or in many-to-many references via link tables or embedded multivalue associated groups, etc.
Entity Properties to Load - use the add button to select the related entities, related to the DataSource (i.e. current row/entity or Entity using in latest Selection) - multiple related entities may be selected separated by a space.
Explicit Entity (DataSource) path - If you want to retrieve related entities for a specific Datasource, that is not the current row/entity or entity using in latest selection, then use this action detail build button to select the entity you wish to load related data for.
Force re-retrieval - a check box that you check if the related data specified always needs to be retrieved irrespective of weather it has already been previously retrieved.
As in Entity
Run a Selection against the database to populate a specified DataSource. The selection is defined in Entities and DataMappings. The Run Selection will include any filter arguments/parameters that need to be passed.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the Datasource (and therefore associated database file) you wish to select from (the Datasource bound to the segment will be populated with data from the selection).
Selection ID - use the drop down list to choose the Selection (from the ones you created in Entities and defined further in DataMappings for the Entity type of this Datasource) that you want to use.
Selection Arguments - use the builder to select the Filter arguments (parameters) for the selection - the contents of a datasource property are passed if { } are put around a property.
As defined
Save Amendments to a specified DataSource
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the DataSource and therefore the data to save to the physical file in the database. SaveDatasource saves the changes in the specified datasource regardless of if the datasource is flagged as "autosaved" in the datasource definition.
Any Datasource
Save Amendments to a specified DataSource and then navigate to the parent page
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the DataSource and therefore the data to save to the physical file in the database.SaveDatasource saves the changes in the specified datasource regardless of if the datasource is flagged as "autosaved" in the datasource definition.
Any Datasource
Save Amendments to a specified DataSource and then navigate to the Root page
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the DataSource and therefore the data to save to the physical file in the database. SaveDatasource saves the changes in the specified datasource regardless of if the datasource is flagged as "autosaved" in the datasource definition.
Any Datasource
Save all outstanding amendments to Datasources marked as "autosaved" for the entire current Page Series
No Action Details/Definition
Any Datasource
Save all outstanding amendments to Datasources marked as "autosaved" for the entire current Page Series and then navigate to the parent page
No Action Details/Definition
Any Datasource
Save all outstanding amendments to Datasources marked as "autosaved" for the entire current Page Series and then navigate to the Page Series Root page
No Action Details/Definition
Any Datasource
Set the row associated with the grid row action as the selected row (current instance of the entity)
No Action Details/Definition.
List/Multi Entity
Set the row associated with the grid row action as the selected row (current instance of the entity) and triggers row click/tap actions. The SetCurrentAsSelectedRowWithActions click action is supplied to vary the functionality of SetCurrentAsSelectedRow.

SetCurrentAsSelectedRow, when used with an action ID, will set the current Row BUT will suppress any other actions that would normally run when a row is clicked and therefore set manually as the selected row i.e. actions where "row/header/Tabear only" is not ticked

SetCurrentAsSelectedRowWithActions, when used with an action ID, will set the current Row ANDwill run any actions that would normally run when a row is clicked and therefore set manually as the selected row i.e. actions where "row/header/Tabear only" is ticked
No Action Details/Definition.

The Example App has a further explanaton and example of this click action
List/Multi Entity
Scrolls the current row into view within a datagrid even it is currently not visible on the screen
No Action Details/Definition.
List/Multi Entity
Allows the filter setting for a refined DataSource to be set/cleared
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the Refined DataSource you wish to reset the filter clause on
New Filter Clause - the new filter clause that is to be applied to the specified DataSource.
Refined DataSource List/Multi Entity
Allows the Sort for a refined DataSource to be set/reset/cleared
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the Refined DataSource you wish to reset the sort properties on
New Sort Properties - the new sort property(ies) that is to be applied to the specified DataSource (multiple sort properties separated by spaces and for descending sort put a minus sign before property name).
Refined DataSource List/Multi Entity
Allows the Selected Row of a DataGrid to be set i.e. if you select, from your database, a group of data/records into a datasource bound on to a datagrid then the pointer is at the first record but the selected row (and therefore ".current") is not set.
Page Segment Widget ID - the name of the Segment Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
Select row# (index) - the row that you want to select. The index number of the row to select. Enter and integer number (zero is the first row), the word 'last' (to select the last row) or a curly braket enclosed datasource property path to be used as the index number.
DataSource List/Multi Entity
Allows the selected tab of a page segment whose child segments have been merged to be set
Page Segment Widget ID - the Segment Widget ID, as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design. of the required/target segment
Tab-ear index# - the index number (zero based) of the tab-ear to select.
UI Only
Allows a specified widget to be set as the target of the calculator result value
Widget ID of the target widget - the widget id of the target widget (leave blank for current/triggering widget).
No DataSource
Sets a specificied Widget to a Specified Value
Target Widget ID - the name of the Widget ID as specified by you in the General Tab (UI Design) on the Page Design.
Value - the value to set the Widget to.
Single Entity
Simulates the clicking of a button widget
Target Widget ID - the Widget ID of the Button that would want to simulate the click of.
UI only
Forces the appearance of Page Series save/cancel (tick/cross) buttons. Often used with other click actions such as move, assign, etc datasource value to force a save / cancel even when the other click actions would not normally trigger it. If you use the Tick/Cross - Save/Cancel then only datasources that are marked as autosaved will be saved.
No Action Details/Definition.
All Datasources marked as autosaved
UI Disable
Disable/Block all user interface interaction (mouse click/keyboard/etc) for the current Page Series
No Action Details/Definition
UI only action
UI Enable
Re-enable all user interface interaction (mouse click/keyboard/etc) for the current Page Series.
No Action Details/Definition. Please note - The Click Action: savedatasourcechangesandnavigatetoparent also enables UI
UI only action
Validates all properties/data contained within a specified datasource, based on Entity settings i.e. is the property 'mandatory' and is the data the right type (Alpha, integer, etc), without attempting to save it.
DataSource ID - use the build button to select the DataSource you wish to validate.
Single Entity
Subsequent Click Actions will be skipped if there are unsaved changes in the Page Series.
No Action Details/Definition.
No DataSource